Throughout the generations, Christians have marked Lent as a season of retreat and reflection before Easter. This year, we're calling the church to rediscover some ancient rhythms practiced by Jesus that many of his followers have observed ever since. Join us as we Read, Fast and Pray together.
We’re doing a deep dive into John’s Gospel this Lent! Find 2 or 3 friends, jump on a WhatsApp group and send voice notes each day with what you sense God saying as you read, or find a time to have coffee each week to read and pray together! If you miss a day, or can’t read the whole thing for a day, don’t worry! Stay with the day and don’t worry – it’s about filling our minds with God’s word, not just ticking the box. Pick up a reading plan at church, or find it below.
Fasting is the discipline of saying no to some things so that we might say yes to something better. What’s got hold of your attention? What do you need to say no to so that you can see Jesus more clearly? You might want to fast food for one meal or a whole day, fast socials, screen time, or something else you need to say no to.
We’re extending our Worship Room to be open from 12-2pm, Monday-Thursday, alongside our regular Monday evening and Wednesday lunchtime sets, to create space to gather as a church to worship and seek Jesus together. Come and join us! Or if you can’t make to church, set aside time in your week to worship and pray where you are.
Here are a few extra resources to help you as we study John together.
Bible Project – a series of videos and articles introducing the themes, structure and theology of John’s Gospel.
John’s Gospel journaling book – the text of John’s Gospel alongside a page to journal and take notes about what God is teaching you as you read.
The Gospel of John by David Ford – a six-part Bible study series based on David Ford’s commentary.
John’s Gospel commentary by DA Carson – if you want to go a bit deeper, this is a more in-depth, academic commentary.
Download our reading plan here.
What is fasting?
Fasting is giving up food entirely or restricting certain kinds to prioritise God for a specific period. Fasting is saying no to some things in order that we may say yes to something better.
Why do we fast?
Jesus fasted, (Matthew 4:1-3, Luke 4:1-3), and taught on fasting, (Matthew 6:16-18, 9:14-15, Mark 2:19). As we deny ourselves of physical things, we do it with the intention of cultivating a spiritual hunger. We make room for God to satisfy our desires and become more aware of God as our provider.
Practicalities of fasting
Decide how long and how regularly you will fast – if its your first time fasting, try fasting one meal a week. If you’ve done it before, perhaps try a day a week.
What will you fast – here are a few examples:
Water only
Daniel fast (vegetables, fruits, pulses, whole grains, nuts, seeds only)
Giving up certain foods (sugar, chocolate, coffee)
Fasting other things (social media, TV etc.)
Fasting for kids
It's not recommended that children do a full water/liquid fast. If your children are interested in fasting, talk to them about restricting certain foods or entertainment options.
Set aside time to pray and seek God
In the times you would be cooking or eating, spend time praying and seeking God in Scripture
Ask God what how He wants to use the time of fasting
As you fast, write down things God is teaching you or things you are learning
Health concerns
If you feel unwell or sick- stop your fast. It is important to listen to your body.
If you have any pre-existing health conditions that may mean its unwise to fast, consult with a doctor before you start.
Click here for a a four-part series by John Mark Comer exploring the theology of fasting.
Here are a few resources if you would like to learn more about prayer.
24-7 Prayer - a movement dedicated to encouraging and facilitating prayer all over the world.
How to Pray- tips on how to pray as a family, small group or church.
Join Jesus in Intercession - listen to Anna Hamilton speaking at Saint Paul’s about how we can partner in prayer with Jesus.
The Worship Room will be extending its hours during Lent to include the following:
Monday to Thursday (starting Wednesday, March 5th), from 12–2pm
Monday nights, 6-9pm
Additionally, everyone is welcome to join our weekly intercessions on Zoom every Thursday at 7:30am as we pray for the world, our nation, our church and our communities.
Our family Lent reading plan is available to download here.